White paper - Capacity building through microgravity

Capacity building is an activity inherently connected to enhancing overall capabilities of states and private entities, and this is particularly true in the case of Science, Technology and Innovation activities, and more specifically, space activities. These require a significant level of knowledge in order to fully utilise the benefits such activities can offer for enhancing knowledge and improving the quality of life on Earth.

Obtaining this knowledge has for many years been difficult, considering the initial input required for accessing space or platforms where research could be conducted. This narrative has changed with the emergence of new commercial space service providers that are focusing on streamlining the processes to access space and platforms for experiments, and offer this access as an end-to-end service. These services play the role of an ideal capacity building tool for public institutions, universities and private companies, as they allow for leveraging resources, transferring knowledge, and allowing different audiences to acknowledge enormous potential that lies in the utilisation of space and microgravity environment.

Activities in space – aimed either at increasing our knowledge about outer space or at bringing benefits to life on Earth – must be seen as part of a broader category of Science, Technology and Innovation activities. The level of STI capabilities vary among countries, and those states with less developed capabilities interested in enhancing them for a number of socioeconomic benefits must consider a number of factors that will influence, and eventually positively impact their ability to conduct more effective and advanced activities in the sphere of STI. It is well-recognised that capacity building is one of the most significant aspects impacting countries’ capabilities, and in fact, all potential investments into STI must be supplemented by efforts in building human capital that would have the ability, knowledge and skill to utilise investments, create value and subsequently develop new, indigenous STI capabilities.

“White paper – capacity building through microgravity” currently being revised and updated.

Number of countries participated in research or educational activities on ISS